"We've set out to make the best and most ambitious series ever produced in the digital space – one that will live up to the high standards we've set in publishing," said Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani.

The image is the special variant edition of Bloodshot #14, and the Top-Secret Project Jason David Frank Variant will be free at his signing session on Friday, October 7th. the Valiant Universe is not that kind of movie.Now fans have their answer, as they've released a first look at their version of the character, and it's awfully impressive. As superhero fans, we're often spoiled with high-concept, big-budget films that can explore the deeper recesses of our favorite fictional worlds. This is purely and simply action for the sake of action, delivered in an inexpensive fashion and now available to stream on YouTube for free. This isn't a cinematic vision of the Valiant Universe nor is it a means to create a compelling narrative. the Valiant Universe must be approached with an understanding of the film's intentions. The film's last ten minutes are very underwhelming. That said, by the time the film reaches its final act and the story is resolved, the film runs out of steam. RELATED: Bloodshot Will Struggle To Start A Valiant Shared Universe There is also a fight where Ninjak has to put down Armstrong and Archer, which ends in brutal fashion. The highlights of the movie include Ninjak's fights with Bloodshot and, later, X-O Manowar. The plot is really just an excuse to pit various Valiant heroes against Ninjak. The action throughout is incredibly entertaining. Very often, they deliver their lines through gritted teeth, and everyone plays their roles with almost comedic intensity. All the actors play their characters competently enough, but they are given little to work with. What time we do get, however, only gives us a surface level understanding about what makes each of them tick. The characters don't have real arcs, and we spend very little time getting to know them as individuals. So what plot there is exists purely as a vehicle to justify the fights. It's arguably worse than Bloodshot, because the filmmakers aren't interested in creating a compelling story. the Valiant Universe doesn't really matter. RELATED: Ninjak: Everything You Should Know About The Valiant Hero Now, Ninjak has seemingly the whole of the Valiant Universe - Bloodshot (Jason David Frank), X-O Manowar (Derek Theler), Armstrong (Kevin Porter), Livewire (Clara Foster) and the Eternal Warrior (John Hennigan) - after him on a mission to reclaim the book from his possession. If he fails to deliver this MacGuffin within 36 hours, his friend Neville Alcott will lose his wife and daughter. Colin King, aka Ninjak (Michael Rowe), was just enjoying his life when his nemesis Roku (Chantelle Barry) killed his girlfriend and blackmailed him into retrieving a special book from MI6's sub-basement.